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HELP! Want to record guitar and vocals at the same time.


Hi, I'm an 18 year old hoping to be a sound engineer. I used to do a lot of hip hop recordings but now I've switched my style into rock and acoustic. I recently just purchased a Joemeek Six Q preamp and although it's fun to use to record vocals, I want to also be able to record vocals and guitar playing together.

Compressing a music track relative to a vocals track


I am trying to compress two tracks, vocals and music. I would like the music to fade slightly each time the vocals come in.

I think I've done this before on my regular compressor using a side-chain signal, but I was hoping to learn how to do it using digital effects.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Recording and mixing Thrash Vocals


We are trying to record vocals and would like them to sound like: kill'em all - AJFA, Killing is my Business - Rust in peace.

I am mostly interested in techniques, and how to make vocals sit in the mix, some typical approaches for this style etc. I know that they probably doubled them, used some delay, reverb, possibly some flanger phaser chorus... who knows... So please help.

which compressor for vocals and acoustic guitar?


I'm recording for myself, vocals and acoustic guitar. It's slow mellow music, with a theory of a deadman type voice.

Wondering what compressor to start with...

I'm planning to purchase:

api512c preamps
Blue blueberry mic for vocals OR Neumann 49 or 67 .
Blue Woodpecker for my acoustic guitar.

now i have to choose a compressor...

best mic for metal/screaming vocals


hey, i started singing not too long ago, i have a crappy mic, I'm gana get a new one after christmas or so, so i need to know what to get, i scream, it varies from stuff like "tha agony scene", "as i lay dying" and "the devil wears prada", theres more but, just to give u an idea, i do a small bit of vocals, so i dont want it to be horible for that,i usually use aduacity on my pc to cover songs,