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Vocals in mix


Hi guys, I've always had some problems with vocals in my mixes, I was wondering, what's the secret to really including your vocal tracks in the mix, my vocal tracks sound ok, but sometimes I can't manahe to fit them in the rest of the mix, so they tend to sound "kareoke-like", any tips on this matter? Thanks!

Doubling Lead Vocals?


My friend (bandmate) and I have been debating the fact of doubling vocals in the recording of our songs. As the singer, I like the sound of the doubled vocal because it fattens the sound up a bit and allows for the vocals to cut through and not seem small compared to the other loud instruments. I also think my voice sounds better when doubled rather than with just one track.

Recording vocals on laptop-so much noise coming from within


Hi. So I just bought a new laptop, nothing fancy some simple hp pavilion one. Right now I don't even have a mic plugged in and my empty recordings are choke full of noise. Hell I can even capture my own voice if i talk loud enough to the machine without a mic or any kind of sound input device on. I don't know if that's common but I thought it was very amusing.

Creating power/distance effect in pop-rock vocals


Wanted to ask for advise on a specific vocal recording/mixing technique:
I have noticed that in many pop-rock mixes the way that vocals done in choruses is different from the verses. The vocals sound thicker, powerful, but at the same time - more distant then the verse. An example would be "Who knew" by Pink.
Does anybody know how this is done?

Styles of beyond vocals


Hey all I'm new to the boards and very impressed with the level of support and knowledge everyone is sharing, very refreshing.
Just got a qn about the hip hop group styles of beyond. Does anyone know what they're using on there vocals?. I've racked my brain and can't figure out what it is?. It's a question that has burdened me for sometime and would love to get to the bottom of it