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Recording Vocals in your DAW (Logic)



Im farley new to the music thing. Im trying to learn as much as I can.

My question/problem I have is Im using a cheap o CAD USB Mic to record directly into Logic.

Problem: Vocals are way too loud they hit the clip point even if i lower the volume slider on the track I'm recording on to lets say -20db it still clips.

Correct Way Of Recording Vocals?


I tend to record 3 vocals track for every piece of the song like hook, verse etc.. Then I pan one to the left, one to the right and leave one vocal in the center. I add the same eq, reverb and delay to all of them.
I heard you can record with only one vocal but if so how do u get it to sound nice and warm like if I used 3 vocals.

Thank You For Your Time

When recording Cubase records both instrumental and vocals


Basically every time I attempt to record on Cubase both my beat and my vocals record on one track, so basically as I record Cubase record both my vocals and instrumental at the same time which leaves me with a instrumental as one track, and vocals and instrumental as anouther track, something is wrong here the vocals should be recoreded on their own seprate from the instrumental.

Compressor (vocals)


I'm recording with Sonar and I'm using Waves L2 compressor for my vocals. I really like the sound I'm getting, except. I would like to be able to record at a little hotter level without having to worry about clipping. Since I don't have an outboard compressor I have to really dial in my input level so I can record at a decent level, and not clip.