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Vocals are SOUNDING like they were recorded separately


So my band and i finished laying down our drums, guitar, and bass tracks so then we started to record vocals for our song. Once we recorded, using a mxl 990 (we also have an SM58), we tried to mix everything to make the vocals fit in nicely. It still felt to me like the vocals sounded fake in a way, like the listener could tell that we recorded the vocals separately.

Need Help with editing vocals!


Hello I am in the process of editing the vocals for a new mix I'm making and I'm curious about 2 things so I figured I would ask here, i'm looking for detailed answers from people with experience and knowledge and I'm thankful to anyone who can help. Here are the 2 things I am confused about.

1: Compressing Vocals (Specifically attack/release times)

effect commonly used in hip hop on vocals..?


I'm trying to figure out what it's called, and how it's achieved, but it's hard to describe or give an example as I dont usually listen to this style of music but I may be able to find one if all else fails.

It's usually used in rap and hip hop on vocals and it makes them sound all de-tuned wierd and synthed. Anyone?

Vocals not syncing with the track


Hi everyone. I record my vocals using Cubase on karaoke tracks. What i do is i import the karaoke track track in it and insert another audio track, to record vocals. After the vocals are recorded. I just play both the tracks simaltaneously, this is where the problem arises, the vocals are a bit fast than the actual karaoke track, making it way out of sync.