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hi all. I'm new to the forums.

i posted this question under "if you had too?" but put it in the wrong forum so i am posting it here as well.

i have a simple question and looking for straight forward answers.

giving all you know about recording and the gear available to you, if you were going to record an acoustic singer songwriter artist and had access to well sound proof room but could "only" use one of the many digital field recorders on the market, witch one would you pick to use for the job?

again, could only use the digital recorder and its built in mics. no extra mics, no preamps, no other gear. the unit and its built in mics would need to capture the voice and guitar as best as possible.

providing you could take the wav file afterwards and tweak it on an editing program if you wanted.

so...the job.

to record a singer with his guitar in one well sound proofed room using only a digital recorder with its built in mics.

your choice for the job?

thank you


anonymous Sat, 09/13/2008 - 18:12

ahh i dont see how you can come up with that. it doesnt matter what i say i own. i could own a full set studio.

my question was what would "you" use.

i stated my reason for the double posting. "i may have posted it in the wrong forum" is what i said the question is still the same.

my double posting was from being new and not looking before i posted.

no offence mam but your confused not i.