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From what I've learned from browsing these forums and talking to people who know more than me about the subject, I've deciCDed to go with these mics for recording a standard drum setup into a Firepod:
2 RODE s NT3
a Beta 52A
and if I can streth my budget enough a SM57.

I am looking for your input and reviews of these mics and if it would be best with my 600ish budget to go with two overheads and bass drum setup for the best quality I can afford. Any advice at all is much appreciated.


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anonymous Tue, 08/23/2005 - 08:12

Are you locked into going stereo on the drums? If not, you can get a nice mono setup for $600, especially if you buy used. Lately I've been happy with my new (though used) at4050 as a front of kit mic, with a 57 on the snare and a variety of things on the kick (at4033, beyer m69, audix d2, sennheiser 421). I've not used those particular Rode mics, but the Rodes I have used had too much top end harshness for me to consider them as overheads.

Jeremy Tue, 08/23/2005 - 19:49

I use 2 AKG c1000s for overheads, an audix d6 for kick, a Sennheiser MD421 for floor tom, and a couple of SM57's, and Audix I5's, that get their fair share of time between mounted toms, and snare. Its not the Creme De La Creme, but it is a very, very good setup for the bucks. Hope this sheds some light.


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