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Hi there.

This problem has haunted me every time I use the 'Linear Phase' mode on the EQ116: a subtle but audible 'PLOC' is added exactly in the beginning of some tracks.

When I change to 'Oversampling' or 'Normal' modes, this subtle noise disappears.

I know that, according to the manual, 'Linear Phase' requires high processing power, but my question is: is there any hint that I can continue using 'Linear Phase' mode without the mentioned noise?

These are my settings:

  • VIP Object Buffer: 1024
  • HD/Scrub Buffer: 32
  • Test Buffer: 4000
  • Buffer Number: 4

Thanks in advance.


Boswell Wed, 12/13/2017 - 09:08

Does the amplitude of the "ploc" depend on the activity in that channel? Could you post a screen shot of that section of audio with the gain wound up so some detail is visible?

This could possibly be due to a failure in Samplitude to clear data from the linear phase filter buffer memory, similar to Donny's problem of reverb tails being left over if replay is stopped mid-track.

Johnny Blade Wed, 12/13/2017 - 09:50

It's a very subtle noise and it happens in the very start of the track. You can listen to this noise for about 1 second (or a little less).

There is not a visible "gain" in the graphic. And sometimes it simple doesn't happens, even in Linear Phase mode!!!! But most of the time it happens and it's even subtly audible if the music is recorded on the CD.

It's like a "click", but it sounds like a "ploc". Very subtle and only happens in Linear Phase mode.
