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Stagepas 600BT speakers cut out after 15 minutes

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Submitted by rolsen on

I have a brand new Stagepas 600BT system, setting it up for the first time and testing the system worked great, but using it today after 15 minutes of use the speakers cut out, I powered off the mixer and back on and it worked for about 1 minute before the speakers cut out again.

FBT M12X4 preamp-mixer problems

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Submitted by tedsorvino on

Hi everyone. I recently found a used FBT M12X4 preamp unit and apparently there is a problem with one of the 2 channels (tested in every input).

I have experience on repairing stuff but i can’t find any schematic or service manual online.

Does anyone have the schematic for that unit or any idea of any similar fbt device.

Integration of Ferrofish Pulse 16 to Patchbay

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Ableton Live
Submitted by Just Johnny NZ on

Hi, I'm Jonathan. I've been reading through the many posts regarding patchbay's, however I've not found the answer's I think I need.

I'm wanting to integrate a Ferrofish Pulse 16 AD/DA converter to a new patchbay in my rack pictured above. The interface I'm using is the USB Digiface.

SpectraLayers - new versions of old songs

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Submitted by paulears on

I thought some might find this interesting. I've been using SpectraLayers for a while now, and I thought it might be fun to see if you could strip out the vocals from well known songs, and then do a totally new version of the song, and put back the original vocal. I can't stick this on youtube for obvious reasons, so it's sitting on my server at the moment.

Hard disc recorder that works with old mackie analog board

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dont have one
Submitted by aifrecords on

I have a 1995 Mackie 24.8  8 bus mixer, I'm tired of my DA88 tapes being chewed up and paying Tascam over $300 for repair, so can anyone recommend a 24 track hard disc recorder that will interact with the old Mackie board and hookup to it?  Someone mentioned the Alesis hd24 BUT a mix review on that said" the HD24 does not allow multiple track takes"  what does that really mean?

Can someone teach me how to select saved drum sets on a Alesis D4 via MIDI

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Submitted by WalkinTall on

I am trying to select stored drum sets on my D4 using my BandHelper program. I am able to get the two units my iPad and my D4 to talk to each other but I can’t find the numbers of the drum sets to be able to change them.

Bass on grand piano

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Submitted by dreadrocksean on

Lately I’ve been experimenting with a 2 piece band.  Grand piano/drums/vocals.

I’m using a Shure beta 52 over the piano bass strings heavily lowpassed at 200Hz and sidechain gated to one of 2 contact mics attached to the underside of the soundboard. I’m using C-Ducers.   They give me rich sound.  I’m also adding a stereo pair of Behringer C2’s for air.

2007 APB Dynasonic Spectra T24i Right Channel Issue

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Submitted by PZP on

I have a analog APB Dynasonic Spectra t24i that is a great sounding board but has developed an issue.  The right channel no longer returns any sound on any of the 24 channels.  Solo and all the Aux channels are perfect.  I've cleaned ribbon cables and replaced three fans in it.  It was dropped by the delivery company hard enough to crack the plastic on the side.