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Parts Support

Here's a situation that just came up: Parts support for a older piece of gear.

I have a PS Audio Lamda CD Transport that I have been using for some time. It has ceased to function & I am told by the tech guys that it requires a Phillips CD-9-PRO laser assembly to be repaired.
These parts are now out of production & I am told are unubtainable anywhere in the world.

Basic, I know, will an Audiophile 2496 serve as the only

I know it's basic, but I need to know:

Will an Audiophile 2496 or Echo MIA interface card serve as the sole sound card for all my computing uses, or will I still require an additional standard card for game sounds, video sound, and basic sound requirements?

I'd rather not add a standard card if I can configure my system to handle all sound aspects with my recording card.

Recording level


I'm making trance/dance music with Reason 2.01, Cubase SX and my hardware gear. I have some questions whats the best db level to record -6db? I see on some tutorials always from -6db but my soundcard has also +4db. I'm beginner and don't understand all the different things. Like when you have to eq channels, ... Anyone can give me some info?

Best Regards