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API or other compressors

I'm looking for a stereo(dual mono,not just for the mix bus) comp at the moment .For some reason I don't click on the Manley vari-mu that I just tried.I love the fairman TMC but too xpensive.The pendulum is not distributed over here.I like the 33609 but I don't know if the new models sound like the original(Fletcher says no on another thread/forum).I just saw the API 2500 .Does anyone know it?H

Nuendo 1.6

Well...Steinberg released version 1.6 yesterday and to much suprise has more bugs and issues than one would want to find!
Anyone using Nuendo should stick to 1.53 at the moment until things settle down and the dust clears...I myself have not updated my system at home as I am wary of this update.
Just thought I'd let you all know


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