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What to look for in a mastering/recording room

Hey fellas, I'm in the market for a small house and want to build my best solo studio yet. I live in Germany where the houses are made of thick cinderblock and most of the rooms are small and squarish around 4 meters X 5 meters and have an average height between 2.25 and 2.4 meters.

Clipping guitar pedal loses mojo when volume lowered

So.. I'm recording some guitar and one side of the channel clips or the waveform periodically looks like a solid block, but when the volume is lowered or attenuated in any way, the pedal being used by the guitar totally loses it's 'mojo'. WTF?

Any ideas on how to cure clipping in a situation like this? I've tried several different things and nothing has helped yet..

Classic Recording Gear and Methods

Chris's thread on Mojave mics - and especially his link to a youtube video of a jazz trio recording with these mics - sparked an idea in me, and that was to research the classic recorded jazz era - from around 1956 - 1965.

Popular jazz artists during this era were people like Dave Brubeck, Vince Guaraldi, Stan Getz, Ella Fitzgerald, John Coltrane, etc.