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Need help with noise on guitar track

Whenever I record the guitar, I get this super high pitch hissing noise that I can get rid of with a noise gate fx when the guitar isn't being played (very beginning of the clip) But as soon as he starts playing, the noise gate isn't effective any longer. You have to turn the volume up louder to hear it clearly.

Help - All my music on all outlets has been removed?

I'm going mad - I've loads of music on all the streaming and sales platforms - or at least, had until today. Suddenly every single one - my original compositions and recordings plus licences covers have all just vanished. Distrokids has none - one single waiting for release and everything has gone - Spotify yesterday had them all, today, all gone.

EMT 948 does not stop immediately

Hello !

I have acquired yesterday a 948. This is the problem : when a stop the record, it does not stop immediately (like a CD) but the « stopping process » takes about 1 sec,which results in a ‘bzhhh’ sound as the needle comes to a halt. The same when the record starts. My question is this : is this normal or are the brakes too weak ?

Ward Beck officially closes

 Just got this in my inbox.

Hi Folks:

Super mixed emotions about the closing of the factory having lived in it for many many months.

I wish the Lyver and the Johnson and the families of all involved in Ward-Beck Systems a healthy prosperous new beginning whatever that brings. I wish you success in your new endeavors, retirement, and new opportunities.

Mix n Mastering feedback pleasey... Thank You All (COVID 19) (Voice n Piano)

Hi folks, totally new here. Have been playing around with song writing for the last 10 years. I don't mind writing but recording and mixing (to end up with what I have in my head) is the difficult bit aint it! Steep learning curve.

How to record and mix vocals in a home studio?


I’m trying to build a pro recording studio I’m a self independent artist that’s trying to build his own pro recording studio at home to be able to record when ever on my on time so I need help from someone to tell me what gear I need looking for a professional setup?plz help this is my lil setup that I’m using for now any suggestions


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