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STARCHASER by TSOTS... Another high-energy pop/rock song!


We've gotten some great feedback on other songs and thought we'd post another one here. This is Starchaser, the song our album in development is named after. We've been wrestling with this mix for awhile. Would love to hear y'all's thoughts on the mix, the song, etc.!

Need help with Zoom/Headphones setup

We're doing music lessons via Zoom. I'm recording video via a camcorder connected to capture card. And using USB output from a ZED10FX mixer (voice mic, guitar and backing track) as the "mic" in Zoom. Using a TV as a monitor for the presenter to see the student. And using the speaker in the TV for the student's audio.

Digi 003 Controller- Issues with power sequence- Too Many Relay Clicks

This baby came in for a little inspection this week. The owner was worried that it was a ticking time bomb, as the start sequence would randomly take longer some days and not others. He mentioned, when cold, the unit could take 7-to 15 relay clicks to start. When warm and operating normally he would hear 3-5 relay clicks.

M-Audio Profire 2626 v Behringer UMC1820 - Different output frequency profiles?

I had been using a profire 2626 for the past 12 years or so. I switched to the Behringer UMC1820 because it plays a little nicer with Linux.

The Behringer seems to have more low-mids in the output than the Profire 2626 did. It's a little off-putting to my ears. I was very accustomed to the old sound. I'm hesitant to call the Behringer muddy in comparison, but it might be.


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