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Lockdown Blues

I recorded this quite recently in my studio. Guitars were played into the Kemper Profiler DI.

The Hammond C3 and Leslie was fed into a power attenuator in order to drop the volume and enable the organ to be cranked for some grind. We miced the Leslie with two Shure SM98 mini condensor mics.

Bass was played through a Sansamp DI.

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Yamaha PM-180 Recap and PCB Trace Repairs

This one is now on the desk. The unit is pretty good shape, others some minor signs of liquid "ingestion" on the top panel. The unit looks stock, and I can see a few bubbled electrolytic in there.
 All and all a nice build, with tiny input transformers on the 6 mic/line ins, and two output transformers on the XLR outs.

essential knowledge or skills needed to be successful in recording?

I am writing an essay for class on how to be successful in recording, and I would love to get some information or experiences from any one who would like to help!

(Don't feel like you need to answer all these questions, anything helps!)

What would you say are the essential knowledge or skills needed to be successful in recording?

Why no audio being played through MOTU 8pre USB even though the meters on Logic and iTunes are blazing.

I recently got a new MOTU 8pre interface. It has been working in spite of having to reconfigure the Optical In and Out everytime I startup. I have no ADATS or anything optical between the 8pre and the USB port on the back of my iMac.

Best microphone for classical music video


I have a Zoom Q4 video recorder, and I'm looking to make some video recordings of classical music (voice and piano). If I want to improve the audio quality, can anyone recommend an external mic that I can plug into my video recorder? I'm new to this, so any tips about mic set-up and so on would be very helpful. I'm thinking of spending between £200 and £500 ($280-$700)

Bellow sound when notes are holding recording piano

Can someone please help me? I am recording piano, then copy/paste to another track to change to other instrumentation using east/west. I can hear a bellow sound when notes are holding. What is going on? (My publisher hears it as well. I have replaced my pedal and the usb.)