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UA la-610 vs. Lachapelle 583 (for tasty rock guitar sound)

hey all picking out a tube pre for my cousin, after ruling out the manley, and drawmer tube offerings, i'm pitting these two against each other in this slow narrowing of tube pre's. this will likely go alongside an api 512c and 550b.

the obvious differences are one is a rackmount psuedo channel strip the other is a 500 series pre.

Focal SM9 / Adam S3X-H / Barefoot MM27 / Quested V3110 - THOUGHTS ?

Sorry to have yet another one of "these" threads, but this is not a vs vs. whats better question. I'd like to know what people's experience is and feelings are towards these monitors that have used/heard all with enough adequate time/usage with each one to be fair to each one. I did a search and didn't find no thread helpful enough, so started this one.

Creating Impulse Responses using MS Micing technique.


So, I sometimes use the SIR1 plugin for reverb (its free!). It takes impulse responses of different locations around the world to simulate reverb. You can even make your own, which I did. I took a pair of SDC's and recorded them in XY inside a giant staircase in my school. It sounds pretty cool.