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What causes this behavior? Bad output cap?

My Boss MT-2 Metalzone is behaving strangely on fast cutoffs and to me it looks like the effects of a large cap discharging or maybe a leaky cap. My 5150 exhibits this same characteristic when I take a recording from its Preamp Out, whereas it does not do this when recording from the FX Send instead, so if I figure out what it is I can fix both of them.

Care for a Power Amp / Installing / Mounting it

Hello, I want to know what I can do to install a power amp or modify it so that it's portable for transport. I'd also like to know how to handle a power amp with care.

The band that i play with don't have much space so we are constantly moving between 3 houses. I recently acquired a power amplifier (Yamaha PD2500) and two "Acoustic Linear Monitors 12" passive speakers.

just getting started

I am looking for some tips to setting up my small studio in my basement. This is what I have, Crate Pro Audio 82t PA, and a Tascam DP-03 portastudio. My question is: Do I, or should I, run the crate in front of the Tascam. if so, what is the best way to do it.? Or do i just plug into the Tascam and skip the PA. Thank you for your time.:cool:

Help me with an experiment (API 525 content)

I am going to undertake an experiment, and I need the help of knowledgeable people. In return, I will share my results freely in another thread for all to use. So if you contribute, you stand to gain something. Perhaps a perfect recreation of the API525, perhaps an imperfect one, but most assuredly, a new idea on how to achieve the sounds of your dreams.

Vocal Booth? Or is a portable Reflection Filter enough?


Need some opinions from the pros. Just starting out and trying to decide where to put my mic. Have not tested my room yet to determine where to place. Very low budget so need a area that would work the cheapest. So should I use my small closet (smallest wall surface area to treat)? Or would I place in middle of room (fairly large room)? Or do I place mic in corner of room?


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