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Questions on Mastering with PEAK 4, TRACKS-24 or UAD-1 or al



I am new to DAW recording. I have the following gear and set up and am guilty of buying a bunch of stuff before i knew what all it was. I understand this will irritate some here but please know I have been reading the manuals, testing things out etc etc

Ok I have

MAC G5 1.8 dual, with 160 Gig HD and another 250 Gig WD internal on the way.

I have

Few Questions


Is there a difference when I use for example the Finalizer and the L2 on the inserts? (I work with Protools) or when I use them in the chain, let's say, Interface1 out to Fin. = L2 = Interface2.

Is there a difference when I master direktly on ma PT session or when I bounce the track and I make it after.


Thank you!


All hail Joe Lambert, the high lord of mastering..


Finally got to get a good listen to my tune submitted to Joe for mastering.
GOOD LORD is that the same tune I recorded in my meager home studio? Sounds sweet & gigantic!
I really expected my limitations to hamper the overall outcome, but seriously folks it sounds awesome..
I'll be posting the before and after here this weekend
Thanks Joe..


How do you improve imaging in mastering?


I see that mastering engineers are able to improve imaging on mixes. I was wondering what methods are used to accomplish this goal. If I had to guess, I imagine reclocking would be helpful- right? I suppose jitter would be the enemy of excellent imaging. Although, what is foreign to me is how mastering engineers are able to improve the imaging while only working with the 2 channel mix.