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Mastering classical music



As a classically educated musician also fooling around with a home studio in rather different genres than the classical, I recently came to think where the mastering of classical music differs from mastering rock, popular and jazz music; or is there any difference at all? And in a home studio, if trying to make a "home studio" master, which approach would you take?


Commercially acceptable volume


Hello. I am brand new to the forum and have been spending a lot of time reading this forums' archive.

I am not a mastering engineer but it is really challenging stuff. So I decided after about three months of studying and a bunch of trial and error on my own recordings I would say 'yes' to a home recorded mastering job.

Here is what I was/am up against:

Mastering and Information Loss


Hello all-

I am recording in 24 bits at 48k in DP4 using a MOTU 896 on my 17" 1Ghz Powerbook. When I go to master and burn my tracks to CD (using Toast/Jam) will I experience significant information, sound quality or volume loss? Am I better off just recording in16 bits at 44k, since really thats where I am going to end up anyway? Do some translations work better than others?