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Removing Hiss/Clicks after Mastering?


I realize this is probably a rather amateurish question for a very professional forum, but was still hoping someone might be able to help. A friend of mine recently had his demo mastered on the cheap (against my advice). It actually sounds decent, but a couple songs are fraught with clicks and hiss (i'm guessing due to the original recording).

Mastering course not school?


I have been able through a studio to work on some mastering gigs as an assistant, the studio is closing and the main engineer is a nut.I was looking for some sort of well respected mastering course, workshop or school that i could travel to(i am in Toronto Canada).Something that would give me a fresh approach starting from the basics and hopefully eventually including new formats like 5.1 or S

EQing a room with nearfields


I've read that it is not recommended to EQ a room if you're using nearfield monitors. I've also read that it IS recommended to EQ a room if you're using nearfield monitors.

I've been mostly doing indie mastering (and some mixing), and just wondered what people thought about EQing the room (on top of treating it, of course) to get the flattest possible response.

Soft Clipping ?


applying a soft clipping plugin to the master of all tracks sounds
like good idea to me, to prevent any sound from causing distortion.
and when I do apply a soft clipper to the master, it does do this.
but i fear this process is what i would describe as "muffling"
or "dampening" the tracks over-all quality, or frequency range.