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How do you pro MEs get the money to buy all that gear?


I mean look at it this way, if a single item in your chain costs 5 thou, and you have a good 20 items laying around, where does this money come from, i mean the pro pro MEs who's only job is mastering.

I'll take one person for ex. Joe L., he went to full sail, (set him back 40 thou.), and then he has a HUGE variety of expensive equipment. Where does the money come from.

Why does EVERYONE want to master their own project?


I would like to know why everyone seem to want to do everything from writing the music to playing the music to recording the music to mixing the music and then mastering their own material. Does everyone want to suddenly be considered a renaissance person (meaning someone who can do everything?) Or is their some other reason for this trend?




I am curious about dithering. Now, I'm coming from a programming stand-point on this. Here's my thoughts:

In 24-bit sound, the amplitude of the wave ranges from -2^23 to 2^23 units (not decibels, but numeric values). In 16-bit sound, the amplitude ranges from -2^15 to 2^15.

2^23 = 8,388,608
2^15 = 32,768

Help! Problems mastering to vinyl!


Hi guys. I am having problems with a mastering suite. My master is on DAT and when they master to vinyl the sound is all distorted, mainly the vocals. They inform me that this is my fault because I have used certain processing on the vocals that do not work with vinyl. All I have used on the vocals are a Focusrite Voicemaster Pro with compressor, harmonics and tube sound all built in.

How I master (step by step), please read and give advice


I have been into mastering for a good while so i decided to go and buy the Wavesmasters package and the Trueverb and IDR plugin , also my WAVELAB comes with the UV22 and a resampling machine.

So this is what i do...

I was in charge of a prog. rock album that was in many ways like the smashing pumpkins, this is what i did...