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Typical Mastering Jobs/Technology


I know from reading the forums here and from various conversations that Mastering is indeed an integral, albeit misunderstood, stage in producing a high quality LP. So in the spirit of demystification, I want to ask a few pointed questions, bearing in mind of course that any answers given may be subject to taste and producers'/artists' wishes.



Not sure if this has been covered anywhere in the forum, couldnt find it anyhow. For all you masterers here what are your biggest pet peaves for mixes you get the are overprocessed . In other words what can us amature mixers get away with without making your job harder to do? I'm wondering about using izotope ozone 2 or some mastering programs?

mastering forums


Hey don't take me wrong. Listen to me frisr before you tear me into pieces (I prefer peace though).

OK, I am new to this site and this forum. Today I took the time to read almost all the posts here and I discovered a disapointing fact that people here do not want to share their knowledge with others. In all due respect I found that very disapointing.

Some Do Some Don't


After years of burning my own CD's (mostly on the Masterlink), and without any problems. recently I have come upon some CD decks that won't play my CD's. I get a "No Disc" prompt on one deck, "disc not finalized" on another, and playback just fine on other decks. I have never run across this inconsistancy before. Any thoughts?. I am, and have been using the Mitsu Silver CD-R's.