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STC-8 Output in Red

Okay, something has to be wrong with my STC-8. It has no headroom which leaves me to believe the jumpers are wrong inside the box. The guy I bought it from said he did the jumpers for the softer KI knee and more input headroom for mastering but this thing is clipping way before it should. Its a year old and looks mint but yikes, it cannot be this lame. Could be why he didn't like it.

What Upload Service Do You Masterers All Recommend to Your Clients?

Just curious what service you all use to receive tracks from your clients. I want something which makes it as simple for clients to send me their music for mastering on my site as opposed to telling them to go to Mega Upload or something like that and sending me the link. Got to be a better way so yep interested to hear your responses thanks.


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