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Need some help with mastering/recording for Old 80's Demo sound


Hey :)

My name's Isi and I'm a musician and a beginner at home studio recording. Trying to keep the budget my band is recording at my place with my cheaper gear. We get the songs to sound pretty good and modern, but this is my issue:

1) We want our songs to sound more like demos, like 80's Sleaze scene. Bands like Guns N' Roses have the sound we wanna achieve.



Hey, folks!

I guess compressing/limiting is like the most discussed topic on this forum. I'm not a total newbie, I won't ask what compressing/limiting/gating is, instead, I want to know why I fail to record really loud tracks. You can check my gear in the profile, I tried to fully decribe it. So I got several questions for you:

Need Help With Remastering


Could someone please help me with remastering my music? I am new to this industry and i would really appreciate if someone could help me remaster my stuff. I can send you the audio files via email. The tracks are all mixed and recorded and just need to be remastered. Please note that i'm only 16 years old and take classes on sound engineering and am going to college to be a sound engineer.