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versatile guitar duet/all-purpose mics?

I'm looking for mics for my home recording setup. I want to do 2 things - record acoustic guitar duets with a modestly-priced matched pair, and record casual jams with whomever is in the room - acoustic guitar, mando, drums, amplified guitar or bass, etc. I'm looking at the Studio Projects C1 or C3 for the matched pair, and the AT4033 or 4050 for the room mic.

Good CHEAP mics

I have been getting a lot of questions from readers of a sound advice column I write about getting their first P.A. system. I always suggest they buy SM57/58 mics since I really feel for the bucks they can't be beat but I'm getting questions about mics like the Behringer XS2000 which can be had for $20 each and the Samson R21 mics.

Mic tips for acoustic guitar?

I'm still not satisfied with the acoustic guitar sounds I've been able to capture. How do you guys get a nice "primary" guitar take, with some stereo presence to it, while avoiding boominess and phasing problems?

FYI, I'm doing a lot of R&B records where guys are asking for a very forward, present guitar sound... "like the Craig DAvid record" or "like the Babyface record".

Brauner Valvet vs. . Neumann M147


I narrowed down my quest for a good vocal mic to these two - they fit my budget well and both are supposed to sound very good and got good reviews and have an acclaimed brandname.
Which one would you go for? The mic will go in either the Preamps of a Trident 65 or a Joemeek VC1Q. I am looking for a full and close sound, with a fine and detailed top-end.

Need monitoring solution to mimick ProControl's

Hey, I'm selling my ProControl, and I need to buy a unit that will handle the studio monitoring that the ProControl did. ProControl has 4 stereo inputs, 3 of which could be ganged to monitor 5.1. It controls 3 separate stereo speaker systems (either for one surround monitoring system or 1 main stereo, 1 alt stereo, and aux). It also has a talkback section. So...