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Pro Tools 9 Release from Hardware Dependancy- At long LONG LAST!

If you are a home recording enthusiast or even a professional recording engineer, this news is for you.

HELL HAS FROZEN OVER! YES! LED ZEPPELIN ARE NOW BACK TOGETHER AND ARE ASKING ONE OF YOU TO RECORD THEIR NEXT ALBUM! That and Pro Tools is now available for any Core Audio or ASIO compatible interface.

General principles of applying reverb and compression- Stereo bus, or tracks?

I am puzzled about where I should be applying my effects, and whether there is any detrimental effect to summing effects in serial. Let's say I have guitar, bass, and drum tracks, and that they benefit from some processing. Should I be treating them individually, say by soloing the track and adding effects there, or should I be adding reverb and compression to all of them in the stereo bus?