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hi all!

been using Sonar le for a while, finding it very frustrating.

so my question to you guys is:

if I'm looking for a software to record and mix and edit etc on a high professional level, but without any midi or synth or anything (all audio), do i really have to get a software like Sonar or Cubase or something, or could i get the same results with Audacity?

Immediate advice needed on effects of all instrument quantising in song editing!

While recording our first demo my band have hit a difficult point, our sound engineer (who normally just mixes dance tunes) thinks it would be best if we quantise everything in our tracks, drums, bass, guitar and keyboard but we play indy/rock and are worried that this will give our songs, which also have a slight funk feel, a very dance tune or chart pop feel and take away the natural groove o

Bugs (fleas) in electronics

Not sure where to post this, but since the question ultimately relates to my gear, this seemed most appropriate.

Unfortunately, the ragged hippy who owns my building also lives there, and he and his dogs have fleas. Lots of them. LOTS of them.
I guess they started creeping up into my area after he and the dogs left town for awhile.

Nuendo 4 won't detect sound


For some reason my Nuendo 4 is not detecting my sound. I get out put to my speakers if i play music on itunes.

But now I'm trying to get the output sound to be recorded at the same time digitally... i did this one before (in nuendo 3) but now i can't seem to do it in nuendo 4.

I took some screen shots of my settings in hope someone can see the mistake.