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Buffering Setting for Live Recording-Cubase LE

i'm facing a problem here.
i'm doing 8 track live recording with Cubase LE + Firepod on PowerBook G4 Tiger full upgrade!
Beginning of recording very smooth and pretty...but after a several minutes...i get a Noise...dirty Noise...which always appear when sound was recoreded...and disappear when no sound was recoreded!

4ohm vs. . 8 ohm?

Ok - this may be a really stupid question.

but can you connect an amp that says "100 Watts per channel 8 ohm" into a pair of speakers that accept 4ohm? is it going to be the same thing or am I going to damage something?

would the speakers have to have an 8ohm jack or the amp specifically be able to switch to 4ohm?

just wondering...