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PODPro, PODxtPro and AmpFarm

My studio is based on a Pro Tools Mix+ system and I use Amp Farm (Line 6's TDM emulator) extensively.

For live gigs I have an older (3-4 years old) POD. I'd like to upgrade my live rack to either a POD Pro or a PODxtPro. MY PRIMARY PURPOSE for considering this upgrade is the hope that one of these units (never have used either) will more closely emulate the TDM AmpFarm software.

PreSonus Firebox, Cubase Le, iBook POPS & CRACKLES...hel

Here's the gear: Mac iBook 1.33 Ghz laptop with 1.25 gb RAM, running OS X 10.3.9. PreSonus Firebox with Cubase Le Ve 1.0.7.

the quick rundown: I plugged a guitar in, recorded about 2 minutes of audio, sounds fine. Then I inserted a drum loop and repeated it to the same amount of time. Sounds fine.

797 Audio CR100

Just to step dangerously into the politically-charged Chinese microphone battlefield -

Does anyone know anything about this microphone? Is it an imitation/copy of another brand and model? If not, is it being sold through a US company? There doesn't appear to be a Studio Projects equivalent (the frequency response of their tube mike looks very different from this one).


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