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2 track question

A local radio station is revamping their setup, going all digital. They have an Otari MX-50 that he said I could take off their hands cheap, maybe like 100 bucks. It gets a yearly service, and he said they probably haven't even used it in 5 years, but they kept up on service "just in case". It's clean as can be. He said he'd even throw in a stack of tape (some unopened boxes).

Cubase 2.0, Mobile Pre, Win XP Home... WHere is the sound?

I have a mic going into the moblie pre. THe mobile pre going into usb. Cubase 2.0 VST. Windows XP Home. I loaded the MAudio driver, the Mobile Pre up as the Recording device and my other sound card up as the playback. When I speak into the mic the lights come on so I am getting sound. How come there is no sound. I know I am just missing something simple, maybe someone can help!

Neotek Elite! Who knows it?

Whats up everybody!
Who has ever used a Neotek Elite? I'm in on 1 tomorrow and i'm just wondering if there are any tips and tricks? I'm familiar with consoles like the SSL-G, TLA and other analog consoles but first time in on a neotek.. i've had the basics and signal flow but as with every console there's always cool things or ways of doing things..


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