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Logic vs DP4

It's time to upgrade, and I've been teetering back and forth between these two programs. I know they're both solid applications. I know the price difference. I'll be running it on a dual 2.0 G5, 4GB ram, etc...etc... and a G4 iBook for some mobile tracking (which will get dumped to the G5 for any real work. MOTU interfaces (896HD some times, 2408mkIII-24i/o other times)

Changing time signatures in logic/cubase/pro tools/DP


i am looking to buy one of the recording/mixing softwares i mentioned above in the topic subject- but i am unsure as to how all of these handle time signature and BPM changes-

i will be recording mostly ME and my band and other metal bands.
we have constant changes in tempo (increase/decrease in BPM) and time sig changes like from 4/4 to 3/4.

Low Hum/Noise from Guitar when Plug in

hey buddies,

i face a problem here.
when i'm doing recording for my guitar (electric or Acoustic electric) plugin thru DI box(Rolls and PARA DI) it oso facing de Low hum for acoustic guitar and dirty noise from electric guitar.

erm...wat's ur opinion to solve this problem?is it de pick up problem?i'm using YAMAHA LLX6 oso facing this Low Hum problem.

SM58 handling noise

I have always been a fan of cheap knockoff mics that work well: Samson, Behringer, etc., but decided that since I am pursuing serious recording endeavors now, that I should pony up and buy a 58 for once. I beatbox and make wacky noises while doing silly things with my mic and cord when I play live, and i've never had a unreasonable problem with handling noise, although it existed.