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Need Pitch-Shifting (helium & monster voice) Software!

I would like to do some basic voice recording to my PC via an ordinary microphone.

I need to be able to change the voice(s) any number of ways but would specifically like to be able to have the pitch of the voice(s) change so that I can essentially have the helium-voice-effect and at the other end of the spectrum the slow-monster-voice effect.

Logic 5.5 for pc use- i need a software upgrade

hi, at the moment i am using cubasis for all mixing and recording and it is poor. in the future i hope to get a mac and the most recent logic but I'm only 16 at the mo' so not yet!

just to sort of "tide me over" until then i thought i could get logic 5.5 to play around with as it is pc friendly...


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