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What gear = what quality standard?

I have a DAW with 3.4 Intel, 2 Gig RAM and 320 gig in hard drive space. I use Delta 1010 and Audiophile 24/192 cards. For some reason, the quality of recording on Audiophile 24/192 (not 24/96 card which came out initially) sounds better than on Delta 1010. I record keyboards and vocals mostly and rarely Guitar and I was comparing the quality of vocal parts.

Pro Tools -audio files are on volumes unsuitable for playback

I've just upgraded to Tiger (Not sure if that's related) and I now get this error when I load up any of my Pro Tools sessions. I havn't changed anything else...still the same setup as I've had for a year now.

I'm getting this error: audio files are on volumes unsuitable for playback

this is my setup:

Cubase SX 2 quits during splash screen...MADDENING!

So at my place I have stuck with Cubase SX (1) for years and never had any serious problems with the software itself. My friend Chris, however, is another story. For the second or third time in recent months, Cubase SX (2) has begun to refuse to start... quitting as the words "global settings" flutter past along with the names of plugins, etc...

Reason Redrum

Hey Ro'ers, I have a quick question for anyone who uses Reason and knows the program well. What does it mean when the pattern bank lights up with a green square around it? I have never seen it do this before but I assume that it is something that I can use as far as programming longer patterns. If anyone knows what I am talking about please give me some insight. Thanks.

I'm switching back to analog! Suggestions please...

Here's the history: for a long time, I was running my 8 hardware synths and tracking vox/gtr through a Mackie 3204LM into an Audiowerk 2 card into Logic Plat. Upgraded the Audiowerk to MOTU 2408mkIII and was fairly happy. Then decided to get the 24I/O and lose the mixer and haven't been happy since.


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