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Seb's and gearslutz

hey..I was tramping about the internet for information/reviews/anything really on Sebatron pre's and came across a thread on a gearslutz forum.

man! are they some hateful people.. flaming people left right and center - if you aint pro it seems you're not worth talking to over there.

well that was the general consensus I took from the majority of posts i read

Pro Tools LE or Cubase SX ?

Hello all,

I am torn as to which system to go with.
I like to record live audio with a lot of outboard gear and do Midi sequencing/ sampling/ programming as well.

I'd like to setup the best possible system on my budget and from asking around it comes down to Pro Tools LE 6.9 with the Digi 002 Rack, or Cubase SX 3 with the MOTU 828 Firewire.


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