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Millennia Origin or ISA 220 + used Lexicon PCM 91

I have to make the decision between a Millennia Origin STT1 or a Focusrite ISA 220 + a used Lexicon PCM 91. I am trying both of these pres out right now and I'm finding both of them to be stellar. The Millennia with the Solid State or the Tube path is tempting for flexibility.
The Focusrite sounds different but still awesome when comparing just to the Millennia Solid State path.

Inadequate power supplies. .

I've read a lot of posts about wall warts being inadequate for preamps. and I was wondering it that holds the same for guitar gear?

For example. the rackmount version of the Line 6 POD has an internal power supply, and the kidney bean looking one uses a wall wart-esque power supply. Has anyone done an A/B to see if they sound different from one another?

Kurt... TMP8

Hey Kurt,

I noticed in a post you did a couple of days back you got hold of the new JLM TMP8... I'm finally ordering my unit this Thursday- just wondering how you're finding the soft-limiters are working out, and the sound you're getting from them?
