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notes are all merging in Cubase sx3 please help

hi ive been using Cubase sx3 for a few weeks and no problems then ive just bought a proteus fx module hooked it up and everything seems fine but when i record with midi it plays fine while I'm recording but when i come to play it back all the notes jump to the bigging of the bar :( i dont know what the problem is can someone please help me so the notes won't automatically jump to the begging of

Replacing CAD Tube with GT or NOS

Again I can't find the referring topic, but I read on here that a user replaced the tube in his CAD mic with a nice Groove Tubes tube, and that he was saving up for a Telefunken NOS.

Is this wise? Is it worth it? I have a CAD VSM-1, and I like it a lot, but if replacing the stock tube means that I have a vastly improved mic, I'll spend $50-75 to do it.


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