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help cube vst32 soft ware/ pro toolsle6.4 soft ware

hi every one out there in studio land iv upgraded some time ago to m bx pro t LE 6.4 from audigy 2 for better converters+ card it does sound good .but the edit side of pro t soft ware is a night mare i can see if u just want to chop some thing of the audio wave-thats cool .but as far asfine editing the cube wins hands down -with scizzors+a line marker that goes down the page that u can see to m

notes are all merging in Cubase sx3 please help

hi ive been using Cubase sx3 for a few weeks and no problems then ive just bought a proteus fx module hooked it up and everything seems fine but when i record with midi it plays fine while I'm recording but when i come to play it back all the notes jump to the bigging of the bar :( i dont know what the problem is can someone please help me so the notes won't automatically jump to the begging of