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Cubase SX 1.01 CPR Files TOO BIG


I am having a problem where sometimes my cpr files are getting too big, like 4MB, for no apparent reason. I have other much more complicated songs with more audio and VST that are only 99kB, but on at least 2 occasions I got files which are just huge. This is really annoying.

The problem is they take about 6 minutes to load a 4MB file.

editing automation in Cubase sx

sorry guys I'm sure this is simple, but i cant figure out how to edit automation lines on multiple subtracks at once, like since i have so many drum tracks i want them all to do the same thing how do i do that in an easy fashion without having to literally do the same things on each and every one of them?

thanks if anyone can help

Mackie Onyx 1220 (or bigger) with Cubase SX3...

Just wondering if there are any members using an Onyx (1220, 1620, 1640) with Cubase SX3. and if so, how do you like it?

I recently purchased a 1220 and I'll be using it with Cubase SX3 and would really love to hear any pointers, tricks, tips or whatever as far as using the Onyx with Cubase! Setting up buses in particular... Help me get started any way you can. Thanks!


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