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bfd drum module choppy in pro tools.

well i finally got this great program working.
but now when i use this in conjunction with pro tools it lags and is very choppy.

i am using a powerbook G4 1 ghz. 512 ram.
m-audio radium midi keyboard. brand new.
pro tools 6.4 for osx.

if i max my ram to a gig will this help the problem?

has anyone else experienced this problem?

BFD Drum module help needed

i am trying to install this thing but having some troubles. its not installing properly from the disc. i got the update file and installed it that way. now i just have to drag the files from the DVD onto my hard drive.

can anyone who has this tell me specificly where the files and folders should go? do they have to be anywhere specific?

thanks a lot.


Need to practice mixing

I don't work on a whole lot of projects as I'm just beginning my journey into the realm of audio. I'd like to practice mixing as much as I can. Does anyone have any projects sitting around that I can mess around with? I'd trade with anyone, and whatever I do won't leave my don't worry about copyright infringement.

Anyone interested?

The Behringer must go.

I'm tired of the Behringer mx3282 and it only took 1 month of recording. So now it's onto better things. I'm looking for recommendations on what mixer to move up to ( I know it won't take much to move up ). I have the Tascam 2600 in mind but I also have a TAC scorpion 32x8 that was offered to me. Would I be heading for a full time maintenance job on the Tac ?

Interested in the Cubase sytem 4

Hey Im putting togther a small home studio and I'm very interested in the Cubase system 4. I havent heard much of anything on these boards about it so I decided to go ahead and ask.

What are your impressions on it?

Would it work well for someone starting off like me?

How well do the built in mic preamps work?

I Cubase pretty easy to learn?