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Apogee AD-16

Has anyone heard the Apogee AD-16? I've done a search on the forum, but it doesn't really pull up anything. Seems nice to have 16 Apogeeconverters for under $3k. Also, how do these compare to the AD-8000SE's or the Mytek 8x96? I've heard that Prismand benchmark are better all around, but that's some serious bucks, especially if the mytek or AD-16's can do a competent job.

Studio Intern available, L.A. area

Hi, I'm a young recording engineer, and I was wondering if any studio owner in L.A needed a free intern. I have lots of knoldge about studios, and I've worked in mayor label recordings. So if you need a young ambicious person to help you out, please email me

PS: I know a lot about Pro Tools too

Sonar 2.0/US-428 HELP!

I recently got a US428 to use with Sonar 2.0. It looks like everything is working correctly but I don't get any sound from my headphones. I plugin my guitar and the input LED's light and sound wave show up on the screen but I can't hear anything. I don't have monitors yet so I have not been able to check through anything but headphones.