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Apogee tech VIP from US to visit The Library - any quest

Roger Robindore is on a wistle stop tour of European Apogee service centers. He's already been to visit RO Mixing Moderator John Attack's Capital Studio in Paris.

He will be swinging by my place The Library (London) this afternoon sometime for a social call, (for tea or dinner)

Post your questons here if you have any...


Pro Tools OMF from Final cut pro...

Can anyone expand on this subject? Here's my issue.. I've created an OMF from Final Cut Pro and imported it into Pro Tools v5.0 to hammer out the audio. The Orig. Quicktime files that the video person used to make his Final Cut project were 29.97fps and his Final Cut movie is 29.97drop. Make any sense? Well, the way Pro Tools works into the equation is obvious.


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