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Wavelab, Para EQ, Q value?

A simple question.

The Parametric EQ plugin , regarding the
Q value in the sweepable mids, I can hear
the bigger sweep it takes as you lower the
value of Q but would like and can't seem to
find any info in the help file of what exactly those size those sweeps are at different values. I'd like having a mental
picture to go along with what I hear.

digital question from analog dinosaur

I readily admit being almost totally clueless about digital recording technologies. Not having to support a family from recording means being able to surround myself with my favorite toys, regardless of whether they are practical, efficient or cost effective. I can happily play with my 30 and 40 year old analog toys, totally ignorant of the world passing me by.

1/2" 2 track questions

Hello all, we've been thinking about picking up a 1/2" 2 track lately, as they seem to be all the rage. We're currently mixing to an Otari MX-5050BII-2, 1/4" @ 15 ips, and for what we do (underground & experimental rock music), it works great, and since it was free (save for the cost of an MRL and a JRF head report) we really can't complain.


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