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Soundcraft Ghost power supply upgrade

Hi., I now got my Soundcraft Ghost 24 with mute automation. I think it was a pretty good deal at £750 ($1,200 US). BUT, it came with the old green power supply (PSM 300). After spending hours reading about ghost modifications, virtually everyone says that a better power supply will improve the sound and performance.

repairing clipped vocals


i got some vocal tracks which are a bit distorted on the louder parts. mostly only slight distortion, sometimes a bit more.
it's no digital clipping. the engineer told me it's because the singer was too close to the mic, so it seems the preamp clipped.

is there a way to "repair" the tracks, cause redoing them is no option.

Need replacement tube

Okay - so my beloved K2 is apparently having a problem with the factory tube. For the first 30 minutes of a session, it sounds fine. After that, the mic starts to get very thin and muffled to the point where it eventually stops receiving/sending signal at all.

So, I'm looking for a replacement but I'm not good at which tube can replace what with minimal problem.