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new member: need help with vintage RCA schematics

I need some help with schematics for two vintage compressors
1-RCA BA-25a
2-RCA ba-43 / RCA ba-45

the ba-25 is a 6386 vari-mu compressor. (I need a 6386 tube too)
the ba45/43's work as a pair. one is a compressor the other is aprogram amp.

I have searched the web to no avail. I hope someone here can help me.

Source for variable capacitor for LA2a

Hi all,
I bought Dave Jahnsen''s book on making a LA2a and am ordering parts. I also saw Kent stevenson's webpage on making one.

I'm trying to find a source for the varible capator (C4; 50-380pf). Has anyone built one recently and where do you get the variable capacitor from ?

Chuck Hanning
SoundBase Audio

Propellerhead reason manual?

I recently got Reason Adapted with Pro Tools 002R. It is not simple to use on first (and second and third) observation. So why don't they provide a manual? I paid money in good faith that they would. Maybe it is just a scam so I now have to upgrade for $200 more in order to get the manual. But maybe I am being needlessly negative :( .

HELP Building LA2a question?

I am building an LA2a from the book "HOW TO BUILD A TUBE COMPRESSOR". I have one question through. On the C 7a-d, it appears as though he has replaced the can with four 47uF @450V electrolytic caps on the drawing. However, these caps are run to the C7a-d Can. But if you are replacing the C7a-d can with the four caps you wouldn't have the can.


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