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SPL for live shows?

I've been drafted to do the sound for a few live gigs of a band I've been working with in the studio. I have nearly no experience or training with live sound.

I've got a few questions to that extent.

1. What SPL should I be aiming at? I know that 97dB is safe for 30 minutes at a time, which is the approximate legnth of a set they're doing.

Equipment To Buy

So i've been thinking about starting up a basement studio, and I would like to decide what to buy so if I see it on sale I can pick it up. I would love to hear the opinion's of some people here to let me know what they think I should buy. I don't want super professional quality stuff, but I would like equipment that will give good sounding stuff. Here's what I figure I need so far...

"Bass Drops" and "Backward Cymbals"

I will be recording a death metal band soon and they want the electronic "bass drops" and "backward, shimmering cymbal" sounds to accompany their music. Where can I get these sounds from?

The guy at the local GC said that I need to buy the entire Battery program from Waves, however I am sure that there is a better way to them than that.

Help!...buying new gear. Ive been playing a variety of instruments for quite some years now, and have been recording only my mic that my computer came with( in 1995) i figured that now would be a good time to upgrade. Here is my list of equipment that people have recommended...but i wanna make sure with some "experts" that this was a good choice..i just have a few questions

Cable brand that someone might recommend?

I have a studio in my home as I'm sure many of you do. I don't have a problem with any cable noise, so I'm not sure why I'm asking.

But here it goes. I use HOSA cables in my "home studio". Is there a better cable that someone might recommend?

I have heard so many things: Monster, Planet Waves, Mogami, etc...

Any advice would be appreciated.



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