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I know this is no great discovery, but this is cool. .

Alright - I am working on a rough mix for a song that my band is completing. It's a half time feel, kind of moody and intense. It really required a good - big snare drum sound. I had a UAD limiter on my Drum Bus but I didn't like the sound when I pushed the snare to hard on it. I just don't like the sound of limiters when they are working to hard period.

da/ad convertion: digi oo2r or oldschool hd?

i'm currently building my recording rig. the ability to upgrade in the future is crucial. everything is cool except for one thing: the digital section.

i was contemplating getting the digi 002r thinking that i could use an Apogeeconverter or something of the sort.
aparently the 002's optical i/o only go up to 48khz. so i say to myself "what?"

Using an outboard pre w/ a console and interface

Okay, so I have a Behringer board I use before the interface. I use this so I can do some EQ on the board, level, and subgroup when necessary. I'd like to use some single channel and dual channel mic preamps but I'm not sure how to use it in conjunction w/ the board? Do I use an insert on the board to bypass the board's preamp?

ASIO / WDM and generic firepod latency questions...

Im pretty much a noob to the actual recording with this firepod, i have a few questions. I jsut got it the other day.

I was read somwhere that if I use the WDM drivers I can get a lower latency. Now there is 0 options for WDM in Cubase LE only asio. Why is this not available? What do you think about that? What software would have this option?

overhear question...againnn

ive been abusing this forum with questions about overheads, so I'm sorry . . new question though. i have one Shure ksm27 and i was thinking about getting another to use as Overheads (Davedog...i tried the 603's as OH's and didnt like one bit the sound i got, sounded very tinny and a bit harsh). .anyways, would i be better off gettin another ksm27 and using the two of them as oh's orrrr.


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