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Juan Diego Florez and the MKH800's

Watched a great doco this arvo on this man, Melvyn Bragg narrating. What a voice, light lyric, talented man alright.

There were some shots of recording sessions where he had a spaced array of MKH800's in front of him, quite a distance, say 1.5m, capsules at lip height, but the spacing was so wide some 400mm or so it seemed.

Bang for buck monitors! *Poll*

I know everyone has different opinions and these aren't the best to choose from which is why I also left a space for others and then you can list it. I want to get the pair that seems to be the most liked by everyone if at all possible. I selected these because of the price range which is not expensive because I won't have a lot of money after I buy the rest of my setup.

Mbox 2 is here. . Zzzzzzzzz.

All I can say is...


Mbox 2? More like POS 2!

MIDI and DI does not an innovation make. Keeping it stuck at 48kHz doesn't help either. What a rip-off.

And it is ugly as hell. I'm glad I still have the original design.

I really thought it would be more like the Saffire. Looks like Focusrite will be getting my money instead.