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New To The Recording World

I'm new to the recording side of audio. I have a DJ business so I'm familiar with the PA system side of audio, but no so much on recording. My family is building a new house and my dad has agreed to put a place in the basement for my band to reherse/record in. The band consists of a drummer, 2 guitarists, a bassist, and vocalist.

Unbanlanced inputs soundboard

Hi everybody,
Just started with the recording thing and have a simple question. I bought an E-mu 0404 soundboard and so far, have had some ok results. The problem is that this board doesn't have balanced inputs, which makes me wonder if it's worth spending money upgrading my cheap preamp (PreSonus), or should I go for a better soundcard first with the balanced inputs to start with.

Better to upgrade AD/DA conversion or pre's?

Hi guys, just thinking about sinking some $ into more pre's mics etc but I was wondering how much a difference real nice conversion would make. I'm running 16 channels of Delta 1010's right now. To me they sound fine BUT they are all I've ever used. Instead of getting that API 3124+ I've been jonesing for perhaps I should get 2 kick ass or 16 damn good channels of conversion.

Unhappy with mBox and DigiDesign

Based on feedback I got to a post on this site last Summer I ended up buying an mBox. I have to say I'm very disappointed.

First, some background: I sold my analog recording studio when my family (2 young kids and wife) and I moved from a house to an apartment. Space is an issue, but so is time with two small kids.