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Best SDC pair for acoustic guitar under $750- 1K

I want to pick up a couple of small diaphram condensers for home tracking into a 002 rack with the stock preamps. Most of the tracks will have vocals x 2-3, bass, synth and percussion as well.
The acoustic style will be fingerstyle/ fingerpicking (bare finger-no nail) on some high-endinstruments.
Please give me some direction among the choices in this price range.

Unwanted Noise


I'm having a problem.. will try to explain as best as i can...

I am getting an unusual "tick" or "click" type sound when I record bass drum or bass guitar. The sound also appears through the overheads when the drummer clicks his sticks. it doesn't appear anywhere else... It doesn't appear when recording cymbals, toms or snare. Neither does it appear on guitar tracks.

Question on home recording GTR's

I live in an appartment and I am looking for advice. I have a POD, it's ok, I will probably still use it for some sounds and stacking tracks. However I am looking for a beter solution for getting slightly to medium overdriven guitar tones at home.(U2, Coldplay, Interpol etc...) Most people who ask these questions are looking for the cranked marshall stack sound, but not me

please help: recording mono signal, good or bad?

hi guys!

due to output and input limitations on my mixer and soundcard, i can only have mono signals when i perform multi-track recording.

My question is: without being stereo, will the recorded vocals or instrument signals be ugly? is there any software plugin that can transform mono into stereo?

I'm quite inexperienced, please educate me more :)


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