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quick quesiton 4 Kurt

Hey Kurt,

have you tried the C1000S as drum O/H's? I'm considering getting a pair but noticed they are not in your mic list. I understand that the list is "your" list meaning they are mic's you like ( which is all subjective) but I couldnt help wondering, is their something I dont know about this mic for it not to get a mention or quite simply its not your cup of tea?

Menacing CLICK during guitar recording in SoundForge7

Ok here's the deal. Everytime I record guitar into soundforge 7, I get a clicking noise. I just recorded some vocals and everything was fine, no click. I am Micing my amp with a Shure sm57, which does not touch the grill. I have tried different patch cables, made sure there is no clipping what so ever, and also tried a different mic, the EV ND257B.

How to make your own snake

First off this is my first post here and Ill probably be posting some more here on out for any other questions I have

Ive been Googleing to find websites with guides to maybe show how to make your own snake, but unsucessfull I come here and ask if any1 here knows of a guide or who can make a guide to building your own snake.