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Yamaha REV500 vs Lexicon MPX550 vs TC 300 any thoughts?

just like it says there..

i have a chance to get all these pres (the MPX 550 and Rev 500 are second hand) at more or less the same price...

although the MPX is actually an MPX 500 with a Chip 2 upgrade...whatever that is...i must admit I'm not very impressed by it...anyone ever heard of this?

Vari-Mu and Massive Passive AD/DA conversion ?

I have a varimu and Massive Passive a Rosetta 800 and Big Ben and Masterlink.

What now? does anyone have any sugestions about rooms, monitors, and mastering processes using the gear that I have mentioned above.

More history:

The main studio is all analog into Alsesis HD24XR using TAC analog console for mixing and inserting analog gear during mixdown.