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RNP, Sytek, SP 828 vs. "The Brick"

I was doing a recording session last week and was recording drums. I ran out of mics for the drum kit so one of the guys brought a SM58 with him. We used the sm 58 Hanging right over the Ride cymbal, about 2 inches up and away from the bell.
I ran that thru the RNP preamp and I was pleasantly surprised. Acutally blown away.

API, UA210, Great River MP2NV pre's in classical music?

Hi guys, I posted this question in another forum and was directed here. I'm considering getting another pre to add to the rack. I mostly do pop, rock, hard rock, jazz, country etc but I do have a project of classical music coming up. I know the API 3124+ and UA pre's would be great for the rock stuff but how about classical? I have the MP2NV which sounds great but I need more channels.

just let me ramble a second here!

Hi! I'm just getting about knee deep into some home recording. I wanted to share my experience thus far. The first thing I have learned is this...put a good mic in a great sounding room, and you won't have too much trouble. I think the majority of home recording "blues" come from recording in a sh*tty sounding room and/or with a crappy mic.